Bed Bug Exterminator
Elimination of bedbugs and other unwanted insects
To eliminate the bed bug, you must first make sure you identify it and know its life cycle!

Bed Bug
– Color brown/red.
– It borrows the color of blood after feeding.
– Has a slender beak-like mouthpart with two pairs of stylets for biting.
– One of the tubes is used to suck blood and the other to eject saliva.
– Bedbugs are insects that adapt very well to any environment, even in spite of unfavorable conditions
Life cycle
– The female lays about three hundred and forty-five eggs in the cracks.
– The eggs hatch within five to forty-eight days.
Habits of the bed bug
– It is mainly found in dirty bedrooms as well as in cracks and dark places.
– It searches for its host at night to bite and feed.
– It can live a year without food and spend the winter in an unheated house.
– It leaves traces of blood and excrement on the mattresses.
Means of propagation
– They come from neighboring apartments
– Furniture moving
– Clothing storage
– Following a trip (suitcases)
How to prevent bed bugs
(at least twenty minutes).
Contact a qualified exterminator for your problems with bed bugs
At Rive-Nord Extermination, we offer a complete and effective service to eliminate harmful insects such as bed bugs. Speak with one of our certified extermination technicians now and he will guide you in the best approach depending on your condition.